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บันทึกข้อมูลใน access ได้บ้าง ไม่ได้บ้าง

ทำโปรแกรม POS ด้วย vb6 และฐานข้อมูล access ค่ะ ระหว่างพัฒนา test ผ่านไม่มีปัญหาเลย แต่พอส่งให้ผู้ใช้ ในเครื่องที่ต่างสเปคกัน ปรากฎว่ามีบางวัน ในเอกสารบางใบที่บันทึกรายการให้ไม่ครบ เช่น ขายสินค้า 3 ตัว บันทึกมาได้ 2 ตัว อีกตัวหายจ้อย หรืออาจไม่บันทึกเอกสารนั้นเลย ทั่งๆที่ระหว่างบันทึก ก็ผ่านไม่มีปัญหาอะไรเลย เดือนอาจจะมีสักวัน
เครื่องของผู้ใช้เป็น mainboard ของ win98 แต่ลง win xp ดูเหมือนจะปกติ แต่ผลลัพธ์มันแปลก ตอนนี้กำลังสงสัย hardware  และต่อ ลิ้นชัก เครื่องพิมพ์ เครื่องอ่านบาร์โค้ด
รบกวนผู้รู้ทั้งหลายช่วยแนะนำด้วย ของคุณค่ะ
Private Sub CMDPRN_Click()
If saveok = False Then
    cmdprn.Enabled = False
    Call TCKprn
End If
Private Sub cmdsave_Click()
Dim sqlupdate As String
Dim srvdate As String
Dim I As Integer, rs As Recordset
Dim amtnet As Variant
Dim amtvat As Variant
On Error GoTo 0
If saveok = False Then
saveok = True
Set WRK = DBEngine.Workspaces(0)
cmdsave.Enabled = False
If MSF1.Rows = 2 Then
    MsgBox "äÁèÁÕ¢éÍÁÙÅ", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "¤Óàµ×͹"
    Exit Sub
End If
amt7 = 0: amt0 = 0
gact = "ºÑ¹·Ö¡¢éÍÁÙÅ¢ÒÂ" & txtinv.Text
If chkmem.Value = 0 Then mber = " "
srvdate = Format(tdate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
amtnet = lblcash.Caption / ((100 + systax) / 100)
amtvat = lblcash.Caption * (systax / (100 + systax))
tmpcard = IIf(txtpay.Text > 0, "CS", "CR")
If tmpcard = "CS" Then
    TMPCASH = Format(lblcash.Caption, "#####0.00")
    xcard = 0
    xcard = Format(lblcash.Caption, "#####0.00")
    TMPCASH = 0
End If
I = 1
With MSF1
For I = 1 To MSF1.Rows - 2
        amtnet = CSng(.TextMatrix(I, 8)) / ((100 + systax) / 100)
        If MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 10) = "V" Then
                amt7 = amt7 + CCur(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 8))
                amt0 = amt0 + CCur(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 8))
        End If
     sqlupdate = "INSERT INTO detail(refdate,reftype,refno,pcode,refqty,refamt,refprc,REFNET,REFLOT,COUPON,PRC_CHG,refvat7) "
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & "VALUEs('" & srvdate & "','21','"
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & txtinv.Text & "','" & .TextMatrix(I, 1) & "',"
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & CSng(.TextMatrix(I, 7)) & "," & CSng(.TextMatrix(I, 8)) & ","
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & CSng(.TextMatrix(I, 4)) & "," & amtnet & ",'" & .TextMatrix(I, 9) & "',"
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & .TextMatrix(I, 5) & ",'" & PRCCHG & "'," & systax & ")"
     DB.Execute (sqlupdate)
End With
     amtnet = amt7 / ((100 + systax) / 100)
     amtvat = amt7 - amtnet
     sqlupdate = "INSERT INTO daily(refdate,reftype,refno,refcash,refcard,refdisc1,refamt,refamt7,refamt0,refmem,refsman,cashier,refno2,"
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & "refdisc2,refdisc3,reftime,refnet,refvat,reftot,refflag,refclr)"
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & " VALUEs('" & srvdate & "','21','"
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & txtinv.Text & "'," & TMPCASH & ",'" & tmpcard & "'," & Format(lbldsc.Caption, "#0") & ","
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & Format(TT, "#####0.00") & "," & Format(amt7, "#####0.00") & "," & Format(amt0, "#####0.00") & ",'" & mber & "','" & chkid & "','" & gpass & "',' ',0,0,'" & Time() & "',"
     sqlupdate = sqlupdate & Format(amtnet, "#####0.00") & "," & Format(amtvat, "#####0.00") & "," & Format(lblcash.Caption, "#####0.00") & ",0,0)"
    DB.Execute (sqlupdate)
    sqlupdate = sqlupdate + " WHERE CIODA=#" & ADATE & "# AND CIOCLR=0"
    DB.Execute (sqlupdate)
'End With

    sqlupdate = "SELECT * FROM PFRDATA"
    Set rs = DB.OpenRecordset(sqlupdate, dbOpenDynaset)
    If rs.RecordCount > 0 Then
                    rs!NO_sale = rno
                    rno = IIf(rno > 9999999, 1, rno + 1)
    End If

sqlupdate = "UPDATE PRCACT SET STAT=1 WHERE REFNO='" & txtinv.Text & "'"
DB.Execute (sqlupdate)
    MsgBox "ºÑ¹·Ö¡àÍ¡ÊÒà #  " + txtinv.Text + "  àÃÕºÃéÍÂáÅéÇ", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "¼Å¡Ò÷ӧҹ"
Call clrdata
End If
End Sub
Private Sub TCKprn()
Dim rh As Integer
Dim YPS As Integer
Dim I As Integer, X As Integer
Dim K As Integer, amt As Currency
Dim F1 As Integer, F2 As Integer, L1 As Integer
If saveok = False Then
cmdprn.Enabled = False
gact = "¾ÔÁ¾ì¢éÍÁÙÅ¢Ò " & txtinv.Text
tmpcard = IIf(txtpay.Text > 0, "CS", "CR")
CPdsc = False
If MSF1.Rows = 2 Then
  '  MsgBox "äÁèÁÕ¢éÍÁÙÅ", vbOKOnly + vbCritical, "¤Óàµ×͹"
    Exit Sub
End If
For X = 1 To systck
If SYSPRN = "DOT" Then
    SetDefaultPrinter ("Epson TM-U950 Partial cut")
    If X = 2 Then
        Printer.FontName = "control"
        Printer.Print "1"   '1=JOURNAL
        Printer.FontName = "control"
        Printer.Print "2"   '2=RECEIVE
        If comdraw = True Then
        Open "LPT1" For Output Access Write As #1     'à´é§ÅÔ鹪ѡ
        Print #1, Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(0)
        Close #1
        '    Printer.FontName = "control"
         '   Printer.Print "A"
        End If
    End If
amt = 0
'    End If
    F1 = 11
    F2 = 14
    L1 = 3400
    SetDefaultPrinter ("BTPTML")
    F1 = 11
    F2 = 8
    L1 = 3500
End If
    YPS = 50
    With Printer
      '.PaperBin = Default
      '  .FontName = "cordiaUPC"
        If SYSPRN = "DOT" Then
           ' .FontName = "dilleniaDSE"
           .FontName = "ms sans serif"
            .FontName = "ms sans serif"
        End If
        .FontSize = 11
        .FontBold = True
        rh = .TextHeight("·´Êͺ") + 2
        .CurrentX = 60
        .CurrentY = YPS
        Printer.Print tid
        .FontBold = False
        .FontSize = F2
        rh = .TextHeight("·´Êͺ") + 2
        .CurrentX = 50
        If SYSPRN = "DOT" Then
            .FontName = "TAHOMA"
            .FontSize = 9
            .CurrentY = 400
            Printer.Print "POS#" + SYSPOS + " TAX#" + TAXID
            .FontName = "dilleniaDSE"
            .FontSize = F1
            .CurrentY = 300
            Printer.Print "POS# " + SYSPOS + "                   TAX# " + TAXID
        End If
        .CurrentX = 50
        .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * 2)
        If SYSPRN = "DOT" Then
            .FontName = "TAHOMA"
            .FontSize = 9
            Printer.Print "DATE : " + tdate + "  RCPT # " + txtinv.Text
            '.FontName = "dilleniaDSE"
            .FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
         '   .FontSize = 9
            Printer.Print "DATE : " + tdate + "                               RCPT # " + txtinv.Text
        End If
        .CurrentX = 50
        .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * 3)
        If SYSPRN = "DOT" Then
            Printer.Print "        RECEIPT/TAX INVOICE (ABB.)"
            .CurrentX = 0
            .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * 4)
            Printer.Print String(40, "_")
            Printer.Print "                      RECEIPT/TAX INVOICE (ABB.)"
           .CurrentX = 0
           .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * 4)
           Printer.Print String(44, "_")
        End If
        K = 5
        I = 1
  '      With MSF1
            For I = 1 To MSF1.Rows - 2
                .CurrentX = 0
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                'Printer.Print IIf(Left(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 2), 1) = "[", Mid(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 2), 4, 12), Mid(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 2), 1, 12))
                Printer.Print Left(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 2), 12)
                If MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 7) > 1 Or MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 5) > 0 Then
                    .CurrentX = 1800 - .TextWidth(Format(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 4), "##,##0.00"))
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print "@" & Format(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 4), "##,##0.00")
                    If MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 5) > 0 Then CPdsc = True
                End If
                .CurrentX = 2300 - .TextWidth(Format(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 7), "#,###"))
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                Printer.Print Format(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 7), "#,###")
                '+ " " + MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 9)
                .CurrentX = L1 - .TextWidth(Format(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 8), "###,##0.00"))
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                'Printer.Print Format(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 7) * MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 4), "###,##0.00")
                'amt = amt + (MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 7) * MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 4))
                Printer.Print Format(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 8), "###,##0.00")
                amt = amt + (MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 8))
                K = K + 1
       '  End With
       .FontBold = True
                .CurrentX = 500
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                Printer.Print "TOTAL"
                .CurrentX = L1 - .TextWidth(Format(amt, "###,##0.00"))
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                Printer.Print Format(amt, "###,##0.00")
                K = K + 1
                If MMDSC > 0 Then
                    .CurrentX = 500
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print "DISC " & MMDSC & "%"
                    .CurrentX = L1 - .TextWidth(Format(xdsc, "###,##0.00"))
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print Format(xdsc, "###,##0.00")
                    K = K + 1
                    .CurrentX = 700
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print "NET CASH"
                    .CurrentX = L1 - .TextWidth(Format(amt, "###,##0.00"))
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print Format(lblcash.Caption, "###,##0.00")
                    K = K + 1
                End If
                If tmpcard = "CS" Then
                    .CurrentX = IIf(MMDSC > 0, 700, 500)
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print "CASH"
                    .CurrentX = L1 - .TextWidth(Format(txtpay.Text, "###,##0.00"))
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print Format(txtpay.Text, "###,##0.00")
                    .CurrentX = IIf(MMDSC > 0, 700, 500)
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print "CR " + cmbcard.Text
                    .CurrentX = L1 - .TextWidth(Format(lblcash.Caption, "###,##0.00"))
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print Format(lblcash.Caption, "###,##0.00")
                End If
                K = K + 1
                'If optcash.Value = True Then
                If tmpcard = "CS" Then
                    .CurrentX = 500
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print "  CHANGE"
                    '.FontBold = True
                    .CurrentX = L1 - .TextWidth(Format(lblton.Caption, "###,##0.00"))
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print Format(lblton.Caption, "###,##0.00")
                    .FontBold = False
                    K = K + 1
                End If
                If chkmem.Value = 1 Then
                    .CurrentX = 500
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print "MEM. " + txtno.Text
                    K = K + 1
                End If
        .CurrentX = 0
        .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
        Printer.Print String(40, "=")
                K = K + 1
                .CurrentX = 50
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                Printer.Print sysmess
                K = K + 1
                .CurrentX = 50
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                Printer.Print IIf(SYSPRN = "DOT", Time() & "               *VAT INCLUDED*", Time() & "            *VAT INCLUDED*")
                K = K + 1
                '.CurrentX = IIf(SYSPRN = "DOT", 2200, 3000)
                .CurrentX = 50
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                Printer.Print "RCVD BY : " + sayname
   End With
   If CPdsc = True Then CP_PRN
   End If
End Sub
Private Sub CP_PRN()
Dim rh As Integer
Dim YPS As Integer
Dim I As Integer, X As Integer
Dim K As Integer, amt As Currency
Dim F1 As Integer, F2 As Integer, L1 As Integer
tmpcard = IIf(txtpay.Text > 0, "CS", "CR")
For X = 1 To 2
If SYSPRN = "DOT" Then
    SetDefaultPrinter ("Epson TM-U950 Partial cut")
    If X = 2 Then
        Printer.FontName = "control"
        Printer.Print "1"
        Printer.FontName = "control"
        Printer.Print "2"
        If comdraw = True Then
        'Open "LPT1" For Output Access Write As #1     'à´é§ÅÔ鹪ѡ
        'Print #1, Chr$(27); Chr$(112); Chr$(0)
        'Close #1
         '   DoEvents
        End If
    End If
amt = 0
    F1 = 11
    F2 = 14
    L1 = 3400
    SetDefaultPrinter ("BTPTML")
    F1 = 11
    F2 = 8
    L1 = 3500
End If
    YPS = 50
    With Printer
        If SYSPRN = "DOT" Then
           ' .FontName = "dilleniaDSE"
           .FontName = "ms sans serif"
            .FontName = "ms sans serif"
        End If
        .FontSize = 14
        rh = .TextHeight("·´Êͺ") + 2
        .CurrentX = 60
        .CurrentY = YPS
        Printer.Print tid
        .FontBold = False
        .FontSize = F2
        rh = .TextHeight("·´Êͺ") + 2
        .CurrentX = 50
        .CurrentY = 400
        If SYSPRN = "DOT" Then
            .FontName = "TAHOMA"
            .FontSize = 9
            Printer.Print "DATE : " & Format(tdate, "dd/mm/yyyy")
            .FontName = "MS Sans Serif"
            Printer.Print "DATE : " + tdate
        End If
        .CurrentX = 50
        .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * 2)
           Printer.Print "INVOICE : " + txtinv.Text + "    ¨Ó¹Ç¹à§Ô¹ " & lblcash.Caption
        .CurrentX = 50
        .FontSize = 14
        rh = .TextHeight("·´Êͺ") + 2
        .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * 3)
        If SYSPRN = "DOT" Then
            Printer.Print "   ÃÒ¡ÒÃãËéÊèǹŴ¤Ù»Í§"
            Printer.Print "             ÃÒ¡ÒÃãËéÊèǹŴ¤Ù»Í§"
        End If
        .FontSize = 9
        .CurrentX = 0
        .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * 4)
        Printer.Print String(40, "_")
        K = 5
        I = 1
        For I = 1 To MSF1.Rows - 2
               If MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 5) > 0 Then
                    .CurrentX = 0
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print Left(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 2), 20)
                    .CurrentX = 3000 - .TextWidth(Format(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 5), "##,##0.00"))
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print Format(MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 5), "##,##0.00") & "  ºÒ·"
                    amt = amt + (MSF1.TextMatrix(I, 5))
                     K = K + 1
                 End If
                .CurrentX = 500
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K)
                Printer.Print "TOTAL"
                .CurrentX = 3000 - .TextWidth(Format(amt, "###,##0.00"))
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K)
                Printer.Print Format(amt, "###,##0.00")
                K = K + 1
                If chkmem.Value = 1 Then
                    .CurrentX = 500
                    .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                    Printer.Print "MEM. " + txtno.Text
                    K = K + 1
                End If
        .CurrentX = 0
        .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
        Printer.Print String(40, "=")
                K = K + 1
                .CurrentX = 50
                .CurrentY = YPS + (rh * K + 1)
                Printer.Print Time() & "     RCVD BY : " & sayname
   End With
End Sub
ปัญหาคล้ายๆแบบนี้ที่ผ่านก็พบว่าเครื่องที่เราใช้พัฒนาเป็น ACCESS เวอร์ชั่นที่สูงกว่าเครื่องผู้ใช้งานน่ะครับ  หรือไม่ก็เอาโค้ดมาโพสให้สมาชิกช่วยกันหาวิธีแก้ไขก็ได้นะครับ
คิดว่าเจอปัญหาแล้วหละ คงเพราะวิธีการเปิด connection แบบ DAO กับ ADO ลองเปลี่ยนใช้ ADO ดู คาดว่าคงผ่าน ได้ผลแบบไหนแล้วจะ post บอกนะคะ  
อธิบายปัญหาเพิ่มเติม เริ่มจาก บันทึกข้อมูล แล้วมีข้อความ
 run-time error -2147467259(80004005)
Could not update;currently locked.
ดูไปดูมาได้ความว่าเป็น bug ของ ms
ให้แก้ด้วยวิธีเปลื่ยนการ connect  จาก ms ole provider for jet 4.0 เป็น
ms oledb provider for odbc drivers(MSDASQL) WITH the ms access dirver
คือ "provider=MSDASQL.1;dbq=;driver={microsoft
access driver (*.mdb)}"
แบบ jet 4.0
คือ "provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source="

แปลก ผมเจอกับ access link to sql server 2005 ไปเซ็ท permission และเช็คทุก table index หายต้องเซ็ทใหม่